Facing the Giants
My small group just finished studying 1-3 John and are now in transition trying to decide what to study next. Last night we decided to order pizza and watch a movie. What kind of bible study is that?...you may ask. Well, the movie was Facing the Giants . I had heard a little about it but didn't know much at all. I was very pleased with what I saw. The acting left a little to be desired but considering the movie was made by a Baptist church in Albany, GA and the actors were volunteers (including ministers and a minister's wife), I had to be impressed. The message was huge and really started my wheels turning in evaluating my life and where I am falling short.
You may find a lot of criticism of this movie because of the acting. Other criticisms include labeling it a "vending machine view of spirituality". Critics complain that the movie makes it seem so simple to put your faith in God and receive answers to all of your problems like bad grades, losing records, car problems, and infertility. The message of the movie is so simple. Put your faith in God and let Him take control. As long as you honor God in everything you do, nothing is impossible. Can it be? You mean if I increase my faith (which I really need to do) and turn everything over to God then I can be more successful at work, play better basketball, get a new car, and get pregnant? Well, I doubt I'll get pregnant...let's change that. I'll be able to impregnate somebody? Well, there's strike two. Being an unmarried man, I really don't need to do that. Ok...let's forget about pregnancy. You mean things in my life will get much better if I let go and let God as the old saying goes? Is faith that important and does it have that much of an effect on my life?
Ok, critics who think that this view of faith is too simple and too convenient...let's look at a few examples in scripture and see what God has told us long before the man who wrote this movie script was a thought in his mother's mind. Look at how individuals' faith was involved in their healing in Matthew 9 with the sick woman who had a bleeding problem and the two blind men. Jesus said they were healed according to their faith. Look at the refusal of Jesus to perform miracles in his hometown in Matthew 13 because of the people's lack of faith. Jesus then identifies the strength of a person's faith in Matthew 17 and 21 by using the same example. He said faith could move a mountain and nothing will be impossible. Faith without doubting can make a fig tree wither and cause a mountain to be thrown into the sea.
Alright, Ryan, you can't take everything that is said in the Bible literally. This is simply a use of hyperbole by Jesus in making a point. Maybe He is exaggerating a little, but that doesn't diminish the statement that nothing is impossible with Him if you have faith. Are we acting like the kicker in the movie and convincing ourselves that we can't make a field goal even before it's kicked. Do we doubt the very things we are praying for? What good is it to pray if you don't believe you will receive?!
Here's my challenge to you. First of all, watch the movie. It's entertaining, inspirational, and educational. Then look at your life like I'm looking at mine. How strong is your faith? Have you tied God's hands behind His back because of your doubt? Let God work in your life. Praise God in the defeats as well as the victories. Honor God and discover that nothing is impossible.
I really gotta see this movie so I can see what everyone's talking about!
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