Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Like Sands Through the Hourglass...

I have to say I'm pretty proud of myself. But I owe that feeling to some friends of mine. Gone are the days (or nights) when Ryan Adair does nothing but sit in front of the TV and desperately try to find something worth watching...many times not finding anything worth watching but watching it anyway. My friend Leigh was the first to nudge me in this direction. She watches very little TV and has one in a back room of her house only when she gets the fever to rent a movie. Talking with my friend Joe while we were in Las Vegas , he told me they no longer own a TV. Most recently, while talking to my new friend Heidi, she told me she watches very little TV because it's a waste of time. She will watch The Today Show and the news and I think that's all. I started thinking more and more about this and decided they make a good point. TV is a huge waste of time.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not about to toss my TVs (yes...that's plural) out the window and never watch anything again. Have mercy, I couldn't survive without my nightly routine of watching Seinfeld at 10 PM and the beginning of The Tonight Show before drifting off to sleep. Also, football season is just around the corner and I will have to cheer my Auburn Tigers and Pittsburgh Steelers to victory while watching their televised games. There are also a couple of sitcoms I enjoy watching as well as Survivor and American Idol . With that said, I can brag about severely reducing the amount of time I spend watching TV.

No longer do I come home for lunch just in time to watch Days of Our Lives at 12:30 on days I don't play basketball. On my trip back from Camp Wiregrass (see previous post) with Emily, Loren, and Leigh, a discussion of Romans was started and I realized I didn't know enough about the book to actively engage in the conversation. I was pretty embarrassed but enjoyed their discussion. Therefore, I am now studying my bible at lunch instead of watching a soap opera. Sounds like an easy choice, huh? Well, it can be pretty hard when you have watched this particular soap opera most of your life and allow it to be able to pull your strings just enough to keep you watching to see what will happen next. That's why I'm so proud of myself.

Thanks Joe, Leigh, Heidi, Loren, and Emily. This just proves that if you hang around with the right kind of people, your life can be positively influenced. Now maybe I can do the same for somebody else.


At 1:42 PM, Blogger Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

ok i need to work on that, too. its bad when jamin and i havent spoken much that day and he comes home and we turn on the tube. weve been tyring to make more of a conscience effort, but its hard to give up LOST, and Grey's and about a bazillion other shows!! agghhhh

At 10:00 PM, Blogger Eric Gwin said...

I used to be really bad about watching a LOT of TV. I had several shows that I would watch while I was recording other shows to watch later! A few years back, I decided that it really wasn't worth it, so I cut back. Now, I've just got LOST and 24 on the schedule (and of course, SEINFELD and HOME IMPROVEMENT reruns!), and I'm much better because of it!
I'm proud of you, my friend! GOD BLESS!

At 2:04 PM, Blogger Lerra said...

At first when you said they were discussing Romans, I thought you meant Roman from Days of Our Lives. I get it now. :-)

I know everyone else will probably say this too, but I need to work on that same thing. Summertime is not quite as bad because everything is in reruns so I don't feel pressured to keep up. Anyway, good luck with your new resolution!

At 7:44 AM, Blogger Baron said...

Ryan! you (used to) watch Days of Our Lives?!?! I'm so ashamed :)

Good luck with the new resolution. I was amazed how much we got done when we turned off the TV for a week...that's where all the time goes


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