Wednesday, May 24, 2006

No More Mr. Niceguy

Ok...I'm through giving away money! No more Mr. Niceguy for me. I have very graciously been contributing money to the YMCA for the past several months. I joined early in the year and made two trips to use the pool. These were early morning trips and it was so crowded! I actually had to share a swim lane with someone! As if it's not disturbing enough thinking about the various bodily fluids that are released in a public pool, I was also having to share a lane and be a lot closer to a complete stranger than comfort would allow. I am now beginning to go after work and it is much less crowded...especially since most of the swimmers are outside now.

Today's swim consisted of a valiant effort on my part. I ended my exercise having completed 12 laps (with many stops at each end of the pool). What a sad display of swimming! Needless to say, I am far from being my childhood Superfriend hero Aquaman. What made matters worse was the lady swimming in the lane next to me. She didn't stop for a single moment of rest until she was ready to go! And then when I saw her climb out of the pool, I noticed that she was much older than I thought. I asked how long she had been swimming and she said 10 years. Maybe in 10 years I'll be able to swim non-stop and hardly break a sweat. I was having trouble forming words when talking to her because my heart was beating so quickly after only 8 laps. What a sad display of swimming! Anyway, I must say that I'm proud of myself for making the decision to begin again. My money is not being wasted and I'm actually getting some good exercise after work. If I can keep this up, I'll be working out Mondays and Fridays and swimming Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. This old body will be whipped into shape eventually.

By the way, for those of you who are wondering what happened with the setup described in the previous post, it didn't happen. She had a virus and we never met. However, I have contacted her by phone and a lunch has been planned. Updates will come.


At 7:34 AM, Blogger Baron said...

let the drama begin...I can hardly wait for the next update

At 7:53 AM, Blogger Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

haha! dude, all I can do is doggie paddle. you should be proud of yourself for accomplishing what you did. I am def. a runner not a swimmer. It makes me feel clausterphobic. However, one day when we have our own pool, I do plan to doggie paddle my laps til my heart is content. I'll have really strong forearms...

At 2:30 PM, Blogger Lerra said...

I love to swim, but I'm like you - I can't go very long before I feel like I'm having a heart attack. Maybe one day when Ashley has a pool I can practice... :-)


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