Tuesday, May 09, 2006

To All Single Parents

After watching American Idol and getting two doses of Scrubs , I'm finally taking time tonight to post. What's on my mind? Not a lot right now because I'm trying to recover from a sickness. But there is one thing I've been thinking about for the past 4 days. When I first brought Lainey home (see the previous post "My New Roommate") I new I had a lot of work ahead of me. This was a puppy that had no training at all and it was totally up to me to begin housetraining her. What a formidable task! The constant soiling of my carpet was enough to make me scream and I had to keep my eyes on her constantly. As a result, I was not able to do the things that I loved to do such as cranking up some great music and spending hours sitting at my drawing board or sitting at my keyboard trying to teach myself how to play once again. All of my time was dedicated to Lainey and I was sacrificing pretty much everything. The times when I was actually away from the house doing something fun, I was also feeling guilty while Lainey was left outside in the backyard. Sacrificing hobbies, cleaning carpet, and feeling guilty was my life.

I would tell people that I felt like the single parent of an infant child. I know you're saying "Come on, Ryan...it's a dog!" I know she's a dog but it was my responsibility to take care of her because no one else was here. Well, I have recently returned Lainey to the Humane Society because I didn't feel like I was able to take care of her the way that I should. I'm hoping she will find a better home with children who have more time to play with her. It was a painful decision because I miss her cute little face and seeing her run as fast as she can from the back of the yard to me when I would get home from work. However, I am now able to enjoy my hobbies and do the things that I was not able to do earlier. Selfish? Maybe so. But as you said, "Come on, Ryan...it's a dog!"

This experience has caused me to think about single parents who have it far worse than I did. I know these people have to sacrifice everything to take care of their children. That is a HUGE responsibility, especially when the children are very young. I know of individuals who are in this situation and they have my utmost respect. To totally forget about your own needs and direct all of your energy toward taking care of someone else is an admirable accomplishment. To all single parents...my hat's off to you!


At 12:55 AM, Blogger auburnchica said...

That's sad that you had to take Laney back. She was so cute...but I know it's probably better this way. I've been wanting a dog for a while, but I know there is no way I would have enough time to take of it the way that it would need. Sounds like you made a smart decision for the time being. Hope you are feeling better! I have gotten somewhat better, although still really tired. And no voice yet, but hopefully it will come back soon. Talk to you later!

At 6:46 PM, Blogger Aleah said...

I am so glad to know that someone else had to "return a pet." I wanted a dog, and kept getting puppies. Each time I kept them for a shorter and shorter time period - until finally I was down to simply interviewing them and sending them on their way. People at work started to make fun of me, asking if I was running a puppy placement service. I finally found a solution in a 1 year old Bichon. Never again will I have a puppy. 1 year is my minimum cut off age!! They are MUCH easier to house break. I think maybe someone should invent a "rent-a-pet" program for people like us...


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