Monday, March 14, 2005


The peer pressure was too great. All of my friends were directing my attention to their blogs and each time I read one the desire to create my own grew stronger. I finally took the big step and I am now a fellow blogger. If you don't know me, this is probably the best way to change that. Those who do know me recognize the fact that I am a fairly quiet person (hence the subtitle) and do not speak my mind very often. I don't stand out in conversations because it usually takes a while for me to organize my thoughts before verbalizing them and by the time I'm sure of what I want to say, the subject in the conversation has changed. With my blog, I can now take as long as I want to say what needs to be said. My perfect communication tool. You will probably see a variety of postings on my blog. Some will be serious and others will be humorous. You will see spiritual observations/comparisons and just everyday experiences that I feel like sharing. Whatever it is, I hope you enjoy it. I already have my next post in mind. As soon as it reads as I think it should, you will see it. That means you need to stay tuned. Fellow bloggers, it's nice to be online with you!


At 8:29 AM, Blogger Baron said...

Welcome to the club!!

At 8:54 AM, Blogger Lerra said...

Congratulations on joining the world of blogging! Personally, I find that I don't have enough to say to constitute starting my own blog, so I just say what I want on other people's blogs. I'm a blog-hopper.

At 4:33 AM, Blogger Donna G said...

Welcome Ryan. Looking forward to hearing (reading) what you have to say!!

At 4:33 AM, Blogger Donna G said...

Welcome Ryan. Looking forward to hearing (reading) what you have to say!!


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